Tyler Goode

   NC State | Aerospace Engineer/Ph.D. Candidate

Hello! Welcome to my personal website/online CV. 

I am currently an Aerospace Engineering Ph.D. candidate at NC State and Airframe Engineer at Archer.

In the past, I have had the opportunity to work on diverse projects, such as a better body armor testing method, a bamboo recumbent tricycle, and nuclear thermal propulsion.



Ph.D., NC State University, Aerospace Engineering (in progress)

M.S., NC State University, Mechanical Engineering (2017)

B.S., University of Alabama, Mechanical Engineering, Minor: Computer Science (2015)

Graduate Certificate, NC State University, Technology Commercialization & Entrepreneurship (2020)


First Place Graduate Video | Aug 2020 | 2020 Research Image Contest | NC State University (article / submission)

Ph.D. Scholarship Award | Sep 2019 | American Society for Composites


Composite Damage Modeling

Iterative Methods for Damage Prediction

Body Armor Testing

Impact Protection

Nuclear Thermal Propulsion

Other Projects

Bamboo Tricycle

Affordable Vehicle Avionics

Journal Articles

M. McElroy, A. André, T. Goode, S. Costa, R. Olsson, M. Pankow, "Use of enriched shell elements compared to solid elements for modelling delamination growth during impact on composites," Composite Structures, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.113945

F. Seng, D. Hackney, T. Goode, A. Noevere, A. Hammond, I. Velasco, K. Peters, M. Pankow, S. Schultz, "Dynamic back face deformation measurement with a single optical fibre," Impact Engineering, vol. 150, 2021. doi:10.1016/j.ijimpeng.2020.103800

D. Hackney, T. Goode, F. Seng, M. Pankow, S. Schultz, K. Peters, "Survivability of integrated fiber Bragg grating sensors in ballistic protection fabrics for high velocity impact testing," Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 60, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.yofte.2020.102356

D. Hackney, T. Goode, F. Seng, S. Schultz, M. Pankow, K. Peters, "In-situ strain measurement of ballistic fabrics during impact using fiber Bragg gratings," Optical Fiber Technology, vol. 59, 2020. doi:10.1016/j.yofte.2020.102334

T. Goode, G. Shoemaker, S. Schultz, K. Peters, and M. Pankow, "Soft Body Armor Time-Dependent Back Face Deformation (BFD) with Ballistics Gel Backing," Composite Structures, vol. 220, p. 687-698, 2019. doi:10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.04.025

F. Seng, D. Hackney, T. Goode, L. Shumway, A. Hammond, G. Shoemaker, M. Pankow, K. Peters, and S. Schultz, "Split Hopkinson bar measurement using high-speed full-spectrum fiber Bragg grating interrogation," Applied Optics, vol. 55, no. 25, p. 7179–7184, 2016. doi:10.1364/AO.55.007179

Conference Papers/Presentations

T. Goode, M. Pankow, “Exploring the Use of a Digital Thread for Efficient Design of Composite Structures,” American Society for Composites - Technical Conference, Atlanta, GA, 2019.

T. Goode and M. Pankow, "Motivated Learning Through Supersonic Ping Pong Balls," in American Society for Engineering Education - Southeast Section Annual Conference, Raleigh NC, 2019. 

T. Goode, M. McElroy, N. Sesar, and M. Pankow, “Computationally Efficient Damage and Residual Strength Predictions using Progressive Damage Failure Analysis (PDFA) with an Enriched Shell Element,” in American Society for Composites - Technical Conference, Seattle WA, 2018.

T. Goode, M. McElroy, and M. Pankow, “Progressive Damage Failure Analysis (PDFA) for Compression Strength After Impact Simulations Using an Enriched Shell Element,” in 13th World Congress in Computational Mechanics, New York City, 2018.

A. Rocco, A. Noevere, T. Goode, and M. Pankow, “Survivability of Silicone Encased Fiber Bragg Gratings Subject to High Rate Impacts,” in SAMPE, 2018.

D. Hackney, T. Goode, K. Peters, M. Pankow, F. Seng, S. Schultz, and G. Shoemaker, “In-situ measurements of strain in soft body armor with FBG sensors during ballistic impacts,” in Optical Fiber Sensors, 2018.

D. Hackney, F. Seng, A. Noevere, T. Goode, G. Shoemaker, M. Pankow, and K. Peters, “Back Face Deformation Reconstruction of Soft Body Armor During Ballistic Impact Using Fiber Bragg Gratings,” in Society of Experimental Mechanics, 2018.

T. Goode, G. Shoemaker, K. Peters, and M. Pankow, “Predicting Body Armor Back Face Deformation (BFD),” in American Society for Composites - Technical Conference, West Lafayette IN, 2017.

D. Hackney, S. Gundyal, T. Goode, K. Peters, F. Seng, S. Schultz, G. Shoemaker, M. Pankow, “Three Dimensional Shape Sensing of Woven Fabrics Using Fiber Bragg Gratings Under Quasi-Static Loading,” in Society of Experimental Mechanics, 2017.

F. Seng, D. Hackney, T. Goode, L. Shumway, A. Hammond, G. Shoemaker, M. Pankow, K. Peters, and S. Schultz, “Dynamic Shape Sensing Using Optical Fiber Strain Sensing,” in International Test and Evaluation Association Test Instrumentation Workshop, 2017.

C. White, T. Goode, and M. Pankow, “Manufacturing and Material Characterization Methods of Dual-Matrix Spring Hinges for Deployable Structures,” in US-Japan Conference on Composite Materials, Sapporo Japan, 2016.

T. Goode, E. Gipson, A. Cox, D. Hackney, and M. Pankow, “Imaging through multiple Media with DIC,” iDICs 2016 Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 2016.

T. Goode, J. Clemens, M. Eades, and J. B. Pearson, “Reflector and Control Drum Design for a Nuclear Thermal Rocket,” in Proceedings of NETS-Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space, 2015, pp. 270–279.

Select Graduate Coursework (NCSU)

Mechanics of Composite Structures (MAE-537)

Material properties of fiber reinforced composite materials are derived from both micro-mechanical and macro-mechanical perspectives. Classical plate theory, failure theories, buckling and vibration of laminated plates are covered. Manufacturing techniques and experimental testing procedures are also introduced. 

Composite Materials Processing (TE-589)

A wide range of topics will be covered that will allow engineering students to correlate materials and processing methods to final composite part characteristics and costs. The course will include raw material production and properties, materials selection guidelines, product development, manufacturing techniques, finishing processes and materials evaluation techniques, as they pertain to fiber reinforced composite materials.

Engineering Design Optimization (MAE-531)

Nonlinear optimization techniques with applications in various aspects of engineering design. Terminology, problem formulation, single and multiple design variables, constraints, classical and heuristic approaches, single and multiobjective problems, response surface modeling, and tradeoffs in complex engineering systems. Numerical optimization algorithms and computer-based implementation of these optimization techniques. Graduate standing in engineering and general coding skills recommended. 

Fundamentals of Product Design (MAE-526)

Many tend to think of product design as more of an art than a science. However, the growing body of research in the engineering design community provides approaches for navigating the design of consumer products using interdisciplinary design tools and rational decision making. This course introduces students to scientific engineering design techniques that are more effective than “ad hoc” tactics. By exploring how engineering principles integrate with “real world” design challenges, students will learn how they can more effectively solve product design problems that encompass heterogeneous markets, multiple disciplines, and large-scale complex systems.

Finite Element Analysis I (MAE-533)

Fundamental concepts of the finite element method for linear stress and deformation analysis of mechanical components. Development of truss, beam, frame, plane stress, plane strain, axisymmetric and solid elements. Isoparametric formulations. Introduction to structural dynamics. Practical modeling techniques and use of general-purpose codes for solving practical stress analysis problems. 

Finite Element Analysis II (MAE-734)

Advanced treatment of finite element analysis for non-linear mechanics problems, including most recent developments in efficient solution procedures. Plate bending and shell elements, computational plasticity and viscoplastic materials, large deformation formulations, initial stability and buckling, structural vibrations, incompressible elasticity, contact problems, flow in incompressible media, weighted residuals and field problems. Development of efficient algorithms for practical application. 

Advanced Dynamics with Applications to Aerospace Systems (MAE-511)

Basic topics in advanced dynamics, including rotating coordinate systems, Euler angles, three-dimensional kinematics and kinetics, angular momentum methods and an introduction to analytical mechanics. The advanced dynamics topics presented can be used to model the dynamics of engineering systems undergoing rotation and/or translation, such as aerospace vehicles, land-based vehicles, ships, submarines, wind turbines, biomechanical systems, machine tools, and robotic systems. 

Advanced Solid Mechanics I (MAE-541)

Development of principles of advanced strength of materials and elasticity theory leading to solution of practical engineering problems concerned with stress and deformation analysis. Tensor analysis, coordinate transformations, alternative measures of strain, elastic constitutive equations, stress measures, formulation and solution of two and three dimensional elasticity problems. Examples include advanced beam theory for shear deformation and large deformation, contact mechanics, stress concentration, pressure vessels and compound cylinders, thermal stress analysis, and stresses in layered microelectronic devices. 

Numerical Analysis I (MA-580)

Algorithm behavior and applicability. Effect of roundoff errors, systems of linear equations and direct methods, least squares via Givens and Householder transformations, stationary and Krylov iterative methods, the conjugate gradient and GMRES methods, convergence of method. 

Fracture Mechanics (MAE-543)

Concept of elastic stress intensity factor, Griffith energy balance, determination of the elastic field at a sharp crack tip via eigenfunction expansion methods, J integrals analysis, experimental determination of fracture toughness, fatigue crack growth, elastic-plastic crack tip fields. Emphasis on modern numerical methods for determination of stress intensity factors, critical crack sizes and fatigue crack propagation rate predictions.

Technology Evaluation and Commercialization Concepts/Strategy (MBA-576/577)

Two-course entrepreneurship sequence focusing on opportunities for technology commercialization. Evaluation of commercialization of technologies in the context of new business startups. Emphasis is placed on creating value through technology portfolio evaluation and fundamentals of technology-based new business startups. This includes development of value propositions and strong technology-product-market linkages. The process based approach is appropriate for new business startup as well as entrepreneurship in existing organizations through spinoffs, licensing, or new product development. More topics include industry and market testing of assumptions, legal forms of new business startups, funding sources and creating a quality, integrative new business startup plan.